The trailer of Betsy continued

8 December 2013 by Gerrit de Heus  
Posted in Betsy

This article is an addition to the article: The trailer of Betsy.

The last day of our holiday in Norway, we went to visit Morten Gran. When we arrived there, I made some more pictures of Betzy with trailer.

The last modification to Betzy was the texts on the backdoors that were changed to blue. These texts used to be black, but later they found out that they originally were blue, so they changed it. The blue text also looks a lot better on the truck.

Betzy, to this day, is still used in all kinds of truckshows and meetings for old trucks. To keep this somewhat affordable, and also in order to maintain Betzy, Morten sells various things. At the end of this year for instance, there will be new calendars made with photos of Sties.

Below you’ll find the photos I took of the last modifications to the backdoors:


1 Comment on "The trailer of Betsy continued"

  1. Angel Luna Abenza on 9 December 2013 20:36 

    Me gusta el viaje que hizo Betsy a Madrid en 1963 entonces Sties ya tenia buenos camiones. Me gusta esta empresa porque la conozco desde que era un niño mi Padre conocia a un chofer de Sties que llevaba un Scania 141 . Bueno ya he reservado en Tekno este camion. Un saludo.

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